Should I get a flu shot?

Hope all is well with you and yours.

I need to put something on the table. Something you’ve likely suspected or even been aware of for some time now.

Should you get a flu shot?

While it’s easy to point our fingers at corporations or the government for all the hazards to our health that exist in the world today…

…it’s up to us to inform ourselves to make decisions.

If the majority of people in the world continue to demand goods and services that are cheap and easy… above all else,

cheap and easy will remain the default offering in all situations.

The problem is, the cheapest and the easiest is the subsidized, low health value, commercial commodities and the worst for our health!

Whether it’s cheap building materials that off-gas formaldehyde in our homes, cheap personal care products that dump chemicals into our skin, microwaves that irradiate our food and us, easy disposable plastic that leaches chemicals into our food and soil, water… foods grown on chemically fertilized soils depleted of minerals, grain finished animals injected with antibiotics to prevent leaky gut and cow SIBO… or anything genetically modified so it can still grow after being sprayed with RoundUp…

It is cheap, convenient, and none of it’s good!

Perhaps nothing is more misguided than the flu shot.

Marie, I feel like I’m catching that “bug” that is going around. Feel tired today, my throat is scratchy, and felt warm last night but I haven’t been around anyone sick. Do you think I should get a Flu shot? —Doris

Why would our government promote a vaccine that they admit is ineffective? This presentation by ex-CDC head Dr. Sheedy is a must read; it’s been taken off the web, but I saved it.

Let’s inform ourselves:

One of the ways our body defends against injured or infected cells is to make chemicals that make us feel a certain way. It goes generally like this:

  • First, an invader or chemical injures or irritates your cells.
  • Next, certain white blood cells (WBC) arrive—these are your body’s Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs); you know, the guys and gals who provide basic life support and stop, well, death.
  • EMTs can take basic steps to keep you alive until you can get to the emergency room (ER). They address the problem generally—their job is to keep the body alive. Because of that, they sometimes overcompensate and injure healthy cells and body parts. This is also true of your immediate (innate) immune response. No matter what the source of invasion, chemicals, metals, pathogens, food sensitivities… your body will react and you will feel symptoms.

The specifics don’t matter; the point is that this is just the start and you don’t really know what started it.

If you feel tired, feverish, joint aches, anxiety… this is a warning sign.

What I find amazing is that the immediate response by the body is similar no matter what is causing the problem. You could have a fever from chemical sensitivity, or even allergies, not just bacteria. If you go to a nurse or doctor, perhaps they’ll run some tests—perhaps they’ll just give you antibiotics or steroids. But antibiotics don’t work on viruses, chemicals, metals… that’s why I use Nutrition Response Testing to find what’s really wrong and work out a natural, long-term solution.

Until the “EMT” cells (those white blood cells) in your body put out the fire, the next step called healing and repairing can’t start. Your body can start to set up defenses against a future attack (antibodies, for example—the point of the flu shot and other vaccines).

The fever warning communicates stress to your brain

Whether it is something you ate or breathed or got on your skin… there is a ginormous telephone cable running from your skin, gut, and lungs (vagus nerve) to your brain (command central).

Whether the problem is caused by bacteria or the flu or pesticides or chemicals in cosmetics, or even a purposefully injected flu shot or vaccine… your body’s EMT (emergency) response to bacterial, yeast, parasites, allergies, chemical and metal exposures… also involves making chemicals that send messages to your brain called

Hey! We’re injured, please pay attention!!

Be anxious about your health and prioritize fixing this” (anxiety)

Please rest so we can heal” (tired), and

If all else fails, be hostile and obnoxious” (so you don’t give your problem to others).

It’s natural to feel this way when your body is in emergency.

Do you really know what’s causing your symptoms?

Is it a “bug that you caught”? or exposure to harsh cleaners at your job? Or the chemicals, metals, preservatives, killed virus, killed bacteria… in that flu shot?

In the fall I always ‘caught a cold’ that I thought was the flu. But now I know my symptoms could be a reaction to cleaning products, or pesticides applied to crops, or even metals in my cosmetics. Thank you very much Marie. This isn’t happening anymore now that we’ve rebalanced my immune system. —Doris

Back to the Flu shot:

In 2007, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published guidelines regarding the Flu shot that explains how to encourage everyone to get the Flu Shot even though it doesn’t work. From the Report:

  • Truth: Most people who get influenza will recover in a few days to less than
    2 weeks.
  • Truth: Vaccine strains are not always a good match to circulating viruses. (In other words, it may or may not work depending on which virus strain was in the shot and which you then get exposed to.)
  • Truth: Even when we have an optimal match, the vaccine isn’t always as effective as we want it to be.
  • Truth: Flu vaccine will not give you the flu, but it can make you feel “yukky.”

If you get the flu shot *after* you have flu symptoms, the shot may over-stimulate your immune system and make things worse.

Read the presentation, please. The CDC was actually training healthcare professionals what to say to cause you to want the flu vaccine despite these truths and more.

It’s up to you, of course.

Actually, it’s all about you! This is why I use Nutrition Response Testing to explore what is the exact cause of your symptoms. I love getting results!

I felt better in just a few days after Marie sorted out what I was really having problems with—that we had to improve my liver’s ability to transform and eliminate toxic waste and exactly how to help my liver do that. I am sleeping again. Thank you Marie! —Doris

There is hope—I’d love to help. Call 907-222-1824

Indalao, I. L., Sawabuchi, T., Takahashi, E., & Kido, H. (2017). IL-1β is a key cytokine that induces trypsin upregulation in the influenza virus–cytokine–trypsin cycle. Archives of Virology162(1), 201–211. Retrieved

Spiekstra, S. W., Toebak, M. J., Sampat-Sardjoepersad, S., van Beek, P. J., Boorsma, D. M., Stoof, T. J., … Gibbs, S. (2005). Induction of cytokine (interleukin-1α and tumor necrosis factor-α) and chemokine (CCL20, CCL27, and CXCL8) alarm signals after allergen and irritant exposure. Experimental Dermatology14(2), 109. Retrieved

Stieglitz, J., Trumble, B. C., Thompson, M. E., Blackwell, A. D., Kaplan, H., & Gurven, M. (2015). Depression As Sickness Behavior? A test of the host defense hypothesis in a high pathogen population. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 49, 130–139. Retrieved

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