Health by Design Handouts

Synergy Health & Nutrition Advocates and Patrons get doable, science-backed guidance from an expert they can trust.

In natural medicine, the gut is considered our second brain. You may know that your healthy digestive tract absorbs vitamins, minerals, and of course proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

What most of don’t appreciate is that different nutrients are absorbed in different regions—all regions must be healthy.

Do you experience GERD, heartburn, stomach bloating, acid indigestion or other difficulties?

Learn simple solutions, remedies, and steps you can take to restore upper digestive health and calm the burning and bloating.

From Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) to more severe intestinal problems like painful bloating or Crohn’s disease, something can be done about the discomfort while you restore health.

Learn what causes the problem, what to do about reversing it, and simple remedies to maintain regularity and comfort.

Before taking on weight loss, cholesterol, or diabetes, you MUST understand how sugar works in the body. Without this understanding you will not lose weight no matter how many calories you count. And you will never understand why. Get and read this handout.     

What diet works best? The one you’ll do. Generally though, there are some “rules.”

Read my detailed article on what works and what doesn’t here. Then, take the Whole Foods Pledge—your first step at restoring balance.  


Every cell in your body needs water. For your cells—and therefore you—to function at all, to create energy, to eliminate waste, to carry out all their vital jobs, you must continuously hydrate all day long. Download this reminder and share it.

Virtually every unhealthy adult makes too little bile, or it’s too thick, or it doesn’t flow. When that happens, bile eventually turns to stones. Most people have hundreds, even thousands of thick sludge-like pebbles in their liver and gallbladder, effectively blocking healthy bile drainage. Surgery is not the best answer.

The vast majority of heart disease could be prevented but not with a low-fat diet. Your heart valves need key nutrients and a steady supply of anti-oxidants to control blood flow efficiently. Get this handout and give your heart the nourishment it needs.                            

Have you ever been told you should lose weight, control your blood sugar, lower your blood pressure but weren’t sure how to do that? Grab this handout,  with it’s clear and actionable steps. It doesn’t have to be complicated. 

Short, vigorous bouts of exercise (2-3 times per week) burns fat and improves your metabolism. Gone is the 1-hour work-out you don’t have time to do. Try this routine.

Your body heals and repairs at night while you sleep. If you are not sleeping at least 7 hours, you are not repairing. Don’t cause your own early aging; DO use these sleep strategies.

Antibiotics, too much sugar, starches, processed foods, metal toxicity… there are many reasons why Candida gets out of control. Rebalancing requires strategic diet shifts.

Skip the expensive and often ineffective probiotic capsules. Culture food at home with these simple and delicious recipes.

Create a food culture!

Power your day with 21 grams of protein in a smoothie base with greens, fruits, or roots.

The perfect formula is followed by a rainbow of amazing recipes from veggie to creamy.

Struggling to serve festive meals that don’t break the nutrition bank? No problem! Make these traditional crowd-pleasing recipes.

Created with love just for you.

Get your step-by-step Nutrition Response Testing Program