
New Awareness

I’ve learned about hidden food allergens and how they play into digestive issues. I appreciate your input and trust in the information that you share.


I’m too young for major hair loss!

When I first came to see Marie I was dealing with a lot of hair loss. I am in my late teens.  I also had digestive  problems and skin rashes. I now have normal hair loss and no longer have frequent rashes or stomach pain.

— Kaylan Ronne

Fatigue, Brain fog, Hair loss…

I came to see Marie with many issues. From fatigue and weakness to acne, depression and mood swings. I have cut out sugar and other foods my body doesn’t do well with and I am seeing wonderful improvements! My energy has returned, I’m sleeping 9 hours a night, have less joint pain, feeling focused and am loosing weight, just to name a few.


Education is power

In learning about inflammation I now see how food is a main component of it. Sugar is the #1 toxin we eat and glyphosate is a big concern as well.


Indigestion is completely gone

Just four weeks ago, I had restless legs and my left toe would throb so badly it would wake me up at night. In fact, I wasn’t sleeping over 1 and 1/2 hours at a time. I had indigestion and no energy.

My indigestion is completely gone and my restless legs are much better.  I’m feeling a lot more energy and able to go out for walks with my wife again. Still working on my sleep patterns but they are definitely improving.

—C. S.

No asthma; no more inhaler

At six months old, I was diagnosed with bronchial asthma. I used an inhaler for most of my early years and wound up in the emergency room 2-3 times a year to stop me from dying. It wasn’t until I found an expert in nutrition did we discover that that cow’s milk was the trigger for my asthma attacks. It was work adjusting to my elimination diet; but once we swapped out trigger foods I was able to do all the sports, all the “normal kid stuff”, all… and I haven’t used my inhaler in more than 5 years.


Maintaining a Healthy Live

I have more energy just from eating well. My nails have stopped flaking and it has become easier to maintain eating healthy and balancing out a healthy live. 


In Person Learning

I’ve found that you provide details that help fill in the gaps in regard to what I eat. I’ve been able to stick with my improved food choices much more.


No more nicotine cravings!

Synergy has helped me get over and heal my ongoing detox from nicotine. With being provided verbal support and encouragements, the right supplements, and solid understanding of the process, I feel so close to 100% ME. Thank you Marie!


After years of not feeling optimal…

Anxiety, fatigue, irregularity, dizziness, body  pain…it was time for a change!  After seeing Maire for a few month I no longer suffer with dizziness.  Fatigue and anxiety are greatly diminished. Bowel movements are regular and are not tearing up my intestines. Body pain in general is also minimal.

— Brice Jones

Feeling Much Better!

Before implementing Marie’s nutrition program I had abdominal pain, more diarreah and bloating. Now following a no wheat diet I am feeling much better.


Moods, growing pains, asthma… ALL BETTER!

Before I started my Clinical Nutrition program with Marie, I had horrible mood swings, didn’t sleep well, had asthma, and growing pains. I want to be a professional athlete and know this needed to change.

Now my moods are more balanced, my angry episodes are much fewer and less triggered by social situations, I breath well and don’t feel reactive to environmental components, and I have fewer growing pains. Thank you mom and Marie for supporting my goals in this way and getting me on a doable plan.


The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is amazing!

Nightshades can be troublesome for people with autoimmune disease. I tried a standard elimination diet, removed grains and dairy, but my psoriasis did not fully clear up until I removed nightshades. And when I reintroduced them, wow. My psoriasis flared up, and I had severe joint pain and earache. Lesson learned! Marie’s protocol to correct my vitamin D and how, exactly, to use digestive enzymes was a boon!

— Jasmine S.

I am worth making changes

Making my wellness a priority is important.  I am slowly making changes so I don’t overwhelm myself, but step by step I am heading in a better direction for being healthier.



Before coming to see Marie my gut was very unhappy.  I had bad diarrhea and felt stress in my wrists and shoulders. Current providers were unable to give me answers to my questions and concerns.

My gut and body feel better now than they have in 8 years. I’ve learned my stomach pain was caused by certain food intolerances. Solving these, I’m feeling stronger and so much more more energetic.

— E. K.

My immune system…in or out of control?

I am in control of my immune system. What I eat and put on my body affects my immune system. I can change things up to reduce inflammation.


Chest and Knee Pain

My biggest concerns when I first came to see Marie were pain in my chest and knees. After just a few visits my chest pain is gone. Knee pain is still there, but I will continue making changes to aid in that.

—L. J.

My Life is a Mess

Marie is so helpful! My husband died unexpectedly and my life has turned upside down. My main concern is unintentional weight loss and GI bleeding, probably from stress. I’m working to move forward with my girls, and Marie has helped nutritionally so I have the energy I need to do this. She’s helping with such vital tools for my overall wellness.


I feel in control—first time in a long time

Honestly, I was a wreck: Not sleeping, not eating, emotionally breaking down several times every day.

Now I’m more in control. I’m sleeping well, eating better, and emotionally much more stable. It wasn’t just nutrition although that was 80 percent of it. Marie gave me other tools to help me take charge of my life. Hugs to her; she cares and takes time.

—Kristen Johnson

Get healthy, get pregnant

Hi – I wanted to loose weight and improve my health so I could have a healthy pregnancy. I learned that many of my habits were not supporting these goals which is likely why my husband and I couldn’t get pregnant for years of fun trying. At first, I didn’t want to make changes in my normal habits and routines and thought supplements alone would solve all. Well… now that I understand it is 80 percent habits and routines and 20 percent appropriate supplements… after hunkering down for some months I am pregnant. Actually 8 months pregnant and my midwife is loving my nutritional program, my health, and the health of my baby. I love this program and love Marie for all her support achieving my goals.


Certain foods were my enemy!

I didn’t want to eat because it always made my stomach hurt. My joints hurt and I had no energy. I couldn’t loose weight, had constant brain fog, frequent headaches, extreme hair loss, was moody and only slept 2-4 hours a night.

After changing my diet and adding supplements my energy and digestion are much better. The aches, pains and fatigue are minimal when I choose good foods. Hair loss has improved and I am getting about 6 hours of sleep at night. I’ve found food actually has flavor!

— Hope Ronne