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At Synergy Nutrition, LLC, every new client gets special attention to fully understand the health status of your whole body. Your body is an integrated whole; malfunction in one part can cause a symptom elsewhere—anything can cause anything. We want to know exactly what is causing your symptoms so that you receive maximum benefit and stably achieve your health goals. We don’t diagnose and treat symptoms, we do a comprehensive evaluation and develop a personalized health improvement program to restore your body’s ability to heal itself. Simply put, first we do an analysis to find the hidden cause of your symptoms, and then we design a natural health improvement program to help you handle what we find in our analysis. These are our key techniques and tools: Detailed Health History: We really want to know what is troubling you, how it has evolved over time, what your symptoms feel like, how long this has been going on, what you’ve tried, what worked/didn’t, how it impacts other areas of life—this communication between patient and doctor is one of the most important steps of our relationship with you. In fact, you may feel unburdened from this step alone and we hope you do. This is why we’ve developed our New Patient Forms to be as detailed. Nutrition Response Testing: Very precise and scientific with 90% or greater accuracy, Nutrition Response Testing determines the precise reason for your symptoms; whether illness, aches, pains, or even stressed/misaligned joints. Nutrition Response Testing has its basis in the ancient Chinese system of acupuncture and human anatomy and basically works like this: We find out which key organs are not properly functioning, and therefore causing your symptoms. While contacting organ acupuncture points on your body with his/her own hand, the Nutrition Response Testing professional tests a nervous system reflex (not muscle strength) of your extended arm. If the organ point being contacted is weak, the nervous system will respond and the natural, healthy reflex will disappear signifying underlying stress or dysfunction that affects your health. The strength of your reflex relates to your state of health—or the health of a specific organ. Next, we identify the exact stressor (toxic organism, toxic substance, food sensitivity or nutrient deficiency) inside the body by monitoring your reflex strength while placing the identical substance outside the body—see Direct Resonance Testing. This non-invasive and precise method of analysis correctly identifies stressors that are hidden from most tests. Finally, we use the same approach and determine exactly which exact genuine building blocks: whole foods, herbal or homeopathic remedies, your body needs to remedy the organ health. Direct Resonance Testing: Based on the works of renowned holistic cancer researcher, Yoshiaki Omura, MD, and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, Direct Resonance Testing utilizes Dr. Omura’s Biological Law of Identical Substances: “If there is an identical substance outside the body as there is inside the body, a stress reaction in a muscle is created.” The hardest to handle conditions are those that are long-term, chronic, and deep. These are also missed by traditional medical and most naturopathic approaches as they are very hard to detect. Nothing can be found on tests but the person is miserable and clearly has a health issue. While traditional muscle testing can solve a variety of health problems, there are situations where the problem localizes primarily inside the cells. In these cases, accurate treatment depends on identifying stressors deep inside the body, stressors that cannot be found using other tests. For example, chemical, metal, or immune stressors can be locked up in cells within organs and miss detection using traditional muscle tests and especially using blood analyses. Direct Resonance Testing provides this deeper level of testing. Direct Resonance Testing can: Determine what substance or micro-organism is present in the body and where it is; quantify how much is in the body—which we also use to monitor treatment effectiveness.

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