Certain foods and nutritional choices are especially useful in helping you control AFib, prevent symptoms, and minimize complications. Follow these guidelines when deciding how to eat to manage atrial fibrillation (AFib): For breakfast, choose whole, high-fiber foods like fruits, pseudograins … Read More
Heart Disease

Do we really want to achieve the lowest blood pressure or cholesterol possible?
The BIGGEST question we want to ask when our labs, exam results, etc. etc. come back “out of range” or “concerning is… WHY WOULD THE BODY THINK THIS IS GOOD? Think about it. You are designed to survive. These are … Read More

Sugar industry lies: Why fat is not the enemy
You read last week’s article “Obesity & Diabetes: The lower the carbs the better?” Hopefully, I’ve inspired you to begin to reduce the sugar in your life because you learned that even small changes could help. (Good for you!) Marketing … Read More

Correcting High Cholesterol: Inspect The Numbers
Why not everyone thinks “high Cholesterol” is high… Cholesterol is essential to your health. Every cell in your body needs it to make vitamin D, to make cell membranes, for making hormones including estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, cortisol, more… Cholesterol-derived hormones … Read More