Eating to Restore Balance Online

Want more energy? Hate your weight? Aging too fast? Yet struggle making healthier choices?

Family members aren’t quite “on board”?

Besides, there are so many conflicting ideas… what works?

You’re not alone!

In fact, it’s one of the most common struggles I hear from busy clients in all ages and stages of life.

I created my acclaimed Eating to Restore Balance Program just for YOU.

For over five years I’ve taught this $147, 4-week, live program in Anchorage. But if you weren’t in Anchorage or the time was inconvenient… my apologies: Now it’s your turn.

  • What is inflammation and why do we care? Starting an anti-inflammatory diet
  • NEW: Planning meals you and your family will love
  • Getting into it: nutrition, hormone balance and sugar handling
  • NEW: Boost your natural antioxidants with food—prevent, even reverse, heart disease, eliminate toxic chemicals & metals
  • Your gut matters: Key functional, healing foods
  • Healthy fats for energy, moods & hormones
What triggers inflammation?

You asked for an online version.

Thank You. Here it is.

And, because it’s in a “pilot” stage, for a limited it’s just $47 if you’ll do these things:

  1. Read the weekly (or more often) articles delivered by email
  2. Apply the steps
  3. Give me feedback by completing a few short questions at the end of each section
  4. Answer a final program survey


How great is that? You get my personal, individual, feedback and help from anywhere in the world and at a fraction of the normal cost.

—That means you get:

  • The BIG picture of diet
  • How to balance weight, sugar, cravings and energy
  • *NEW* how to plan healthy meals you’ll love!
  • Why healing your gut is vital—and what steps to take
  • *NEW* a step-by-step plan to detoxify your body (because this is what is really hanging things up)
  • Fats: the healthy, bad, ugly… how to know?
  • Downloadable handouts
  • 24/7 ask me your specific questions by email…

Eat your fill at every meal, enjoy your food, increase your energy, improve your resilience and even lose weight without counting calories.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be hard; and I can help 🙂

$47 Offer ends at midnight May 21st

Practical Strategies and Great Information

There’s always something to learn

After taking the Eating To Restore Balance class I got a review of body chemistry. I loved your teaching style. I’m going to eat clean from now on.


The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is amazing!

Nightshades can be troublesome for people with autoimmune disease. I tried a standard elimination diet, removed grains and dairy, but my psoriasis did not fully clear up until I removed nightshades. And when I reintroduced them, wow. My psoriasis flared up, and I had severe joint pain and earache. Lesson learned! Marie’s protocol to correct my vitamin D and how, exactly, to use digestive enzymes was a boon!

— Jasmine S.

Cell Damage

I have learned about the cyclical pattern of nutrition and how some of it can cause cell damage. Improved nutrition is the answer for improved wellness.

— W.N.

What’s missing from most online nutritional programs?

Personal support from an expert you can trust.

It is wonderful not to have to leave your home or office, but in this day and age with the ever-growing Dr. Google…, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to ask your questions and get answers about your unique situation?

Doing this program will help you:

  • Improve your digestion and your nutrient assimilation
  • Reduce gas and bloating
  • Feel more confident in your every day choices
  • Uncover hidden food intolerances that may be sabotaging your health and even weight loss efforts
  • Ditch the diet mentality and learn what foods are “right for your unique body”
  • Improve the quality of your skin, balance your blood sugar, calm inflammation
  • Sleep like a baby
  • Reduce the toxic load that has built up in so many of us

What’s included in the Eating To Restore Balance Online program?

  • Step-by-step “lessons” that start with key foundations and walk you through changes you can make to improve your health using whole foods (and sometimes other natural remedies).
  • Knowledge is Power: with these key concepts, you will know WHY you’re making a change rather than feel like you’re just being told random stuff.
  • Meal planning made simple: Never again feel deprived, hungry or confused about what to eat or when to eat—or how to make fabulous foods your own family will love (if you have one 😉
  • Downloadable handouts: Whether your prefer to read onscreen or hardcopy, key tools and
  • Email Support: You will 2-5 emails each week from me to summarize where we are and keep you on track. Questions? Hit “reply”. I answer usually same day (except on weekends)

$47 Offer ends at midnight May 21st

May I ask a question?

Absolutely. Please email me at

I’m here for your best health ever. The first thing I need to know is if my healing approach will work for you. If it can, then it is probably the best thing you will ever do. If it won’t help, then I’ll help you find an approach that will.

I do my best to get back to you in 24 hours (except weekends—we all need our “me” time)

XOXO  —Marie

healthy food, Anchorage nutritionist, Nutrition Response Testing