Grab your family calendar and paper or my download and print my Weekly Meal Plan.
Scan your calendar for any extracurricular activities. For example, if Wednesdays has 7PM karate or (fill in the blank), then pick a quick meal. Mark the meal “Q” for “Quick” (Consider Leftovers Night).
Will you be gone all day? Pick a slow cooker or Instant Pot meal for that day’s slot.
Will you eat out any days? Or be a guest in someone’s home? Mark that.
Once you’ve decided how many meals you’ll need, pick this week’s meals from your family favorites (the 14 or 21 meals you listed yesterday). Make sure that each one fits your calendar needs. As a friendly suggestion, keep this simple and pick from meals that you’ve made several times. Searching for recipes by meal type (gluten-free, vegan, keto) or method (Instant Pot, slow cooker, freezer cooking…) that’s something you can do down the road. For now, try not to get lost online—you may not make it back out within 20 minutes
Thursday’s dinner should be freezable and something you don’t mind doubling. Stay tuned!