Leaky gut? Here’s your protocol

95% of the people I work with have at least some level of dysfunction in their gut that is contributing to unwanted symptoms. Gut health is soimportant for our ability to fight off infection, our moods, body composition, energy levels, skin health, hormone balance and so much more.Since it IS so important, I’m giving you the exact protocol I use with my clients. First and foremost, I work with clients one-on-one to address parasites, bacterial infections, mold, fungus, SIBO, leaky gut, IBS, autoimmune and more.

This protocol has been clinically proven in peer reviewed studies to manage symptoms in just 6 weeks. Full healing may take 12 weeks or more, depending on you.

Yes, you read that right, 6 weeks!! Unlike many practitioners who will have you on boatloads of supplements for what seems like forever, my entire protocol is mostly whole foods based, and it does so much more than just heal leaky gut… After your initial several months. please don’t return to normal habits and routines. If you do, you’ll return to your former condition.

Imagine if all you did was this protocol, and ate a vegetable or several each day…

In just 12 weeks, your leaky gut will be a thing of the past, you will have a remarkably improved microbiome and greatly reduced associated symptoms.

Here you go:

Before you take action, prevent damage in the first place.

Chronic inflammation from mucosal damage fuels the progression of every major disease. Fixing the gut is a keystone strategy to improved health & quality of life.

For example, diabetes is regulated by immune cells that live in the mucosal layer of the intestine.

Here is my strategy for repair.

Month 1:

Get a simple blood test. This costs little and is usually covered by insurance as part of your annual exam. Your MD may try to order a shortened version. Please ask them for all of these:

Complete Blood Count with Differential:

As the name suggests, these measues look ; at the different blood cells and components in your blood.

What does the complete test show?:

  • In Western Medicine, this test screens for blood cancers infections, anemia (including iron deficiency), screening is non-specific. You may be “in range” and still have health problems. The functional nutrition lens provides information about more subtle vitamin deficiencies and acute or chronic low-grade inflammations. Energy production in every cell needs adequate levels of B vitamins, iron, and other minerals.
  • Labarotory reference ranges include 95% of all test results. Are 95% of us functional?
  • We’ll dive deeper into some of the individual components of this test and what they tell you about nutrient insufficiencies especially B vitamins and minerals; can also see an underlying infection and overall health:
    • Hematocrit
    • Hemoglobin
    • Red blood cells: the count, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and red cell distribution width, and reticulocyte count
    • Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW): are you producing many sizes of red cells? If you are, the RDW will be higher than 13
    • Platelets: platelet count and possibly the mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet distribution width (PDW)
    • White blood cells: Above or below 5-7000 and we’re seeing an infection.
    • Neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, and eosinophils can indicate what type.

Comprenensive Metabolic Panel

  • How is your liver working?
  • Your blood sugar?
  • Is your antioxidant status balanced?

Lipid Profile

  • Is your liver pumping out Cholesterol? Why?
  • Is your liver making enough protective fats?
  • We need cholesterol to support our brain and nervous system. Lower than 180 mg/dL is not good. Are your levels functional?
  • Although white blood cell count informs the doctor of an acute or chronic infection, it can also be a marker for other diseases. High (>7.5) total white blood cellcount is a non-specific marker for inflammation; low (<5.0) white blood cell count suggests that inflammation or infection has been going for some time (chronic). Whatever you’ve been doing needs to shift if you want that (and your symptoms) to change.

Then we create your unique protocol; it’s all about you!

Month 1: Recondition the gut microbiome by crowding out pathogens, increasing microbial diversity, and creating a better ecosystem for balance.

  • Change your digestive environment by changing the acidity in the intestines. This is accomplished with at least a serving (1 cup) of vegetables every meal. Ideally you will make “Mom’s healing bone broth” into various soups to support your gastrointestinal lining.
  • Include 100% Aloe juice (no fillers), marshmallow root, and/or slippery elm to coat and seal. Soothing.
  • Weed and feed: starve the harmful bacteria (and parasites, and yeast…) of their fuel and they weaken and die off. We monitor food and mood logs to step-by-step shift aspects of diet and lifestyle. I keep this doable.
  • Include 1-2 tablespoons per meal of probiotic foods (recipes here) to aid in digestion, hormone balance, and, as space becomes available, contribute new survivors to your gut.
  • With an in-person visit and Nutrition Response Testing I can design a simple digestive enzyme and gut healing regimen based on what I find. If you have blood tests, all the better although they are not required.


Month 2: Reinforce a healthy and diverse gut microbiome.

  • Together, we continue to monitor food and mood logs to move to sustainable routines. We are all different. Some of us need to be more “regimented” than others. Together we grow.
  • We also ensure adequate nutrition. Your designed digestive enzymes remain a part of the plan as most of us make fewer of them with age.
  • Monitor and ensure adequate vitamin D.
  • Monitor and ensure adequate omega-3 fats.


Month 3: We Improve the GI mucosol barrier.

  • The GI mucosal barrier requires a healthy gut lining and mucous is one of the barriers. Download my free “Leaky Gut” handout here. It has additional great habits.
  • Continue to add steamed and sautéed vegetables, bone broth, healthy proteins… Keep going on all the steps you’ve taken and add those you can.

Altered production of mucus, immunoglobulins, antimicrobial peptides, & other immune-modulators is common among Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), SIBO, SIFO, and other gut imbalances. Let’s get this fixed!

Find and Fix What’s Really Wrong! No guessing.

