Beating Cancer—Nutrition to prevent or beat cancer

This is cancer. It is preventable and treatable. Help your immune system--don't create more inflammation.

Recently, I’ve received a run of inquiries from friends and clients, after their friend or loved one has been diagnosed with cancer of one variety or another. I have worked with several oncologists, one a naturopathic oncologist here in Anchorage: Dr. Babij. He is very good and understands the value of functional nutrition and Nutrition Response Testing™. Also, My original life in clinical research had to do with cancers and immune function–one of the commercial pharmaceuticals I helped developed worked by boosting white blood cell counts (these are suppressed by chemo–so patients get opportunistic infections more easily and have to delay more chemo due to low WBC counts). Plus a good number of people are beating cancer according to oncology tests—and have been in remission for many years now; there is certainly much that can prevent cancer from ever taking hold.

Sadly, many who find themselves hearing the “C-word” find themselves told they have to make a treatment decision immediately and start it immediately. This can be overwhelming; fear tactics are not good care. While no one should procrastinate, taking a week or so to research their options is certainly recommended; the cancer was developing for many years and largely undetectable—even to one’s own immune system. And… some of these “need to do it now” recommendations like radiation to the organ, especially if thyroid cancer is suspected or diagnosed, will kill the entire organ, not just the cancer: Death is irreversible.

Image of cancer invading any and all parts of the body

While deciding on a course of action is a personal choice, there are definitely some nutritional and lifestyle steps to take regardless of the path chosen. Whatever the choice made, my role is supportive of the oncology doctor’s approach as the individual is really under their primary care. I like to collaborate.

 What Nutritional Foods can Help in Beating Cancer?

There are definitely phytochemical and antioxidant-rich foods that offer anti-cancer benefits and should be part of an anti-cancer strategy. Cancer cells release compounds that feed them directly and contribute to their spread by fostering the growth of blood vessels to the tumors (angiogenesis). Unlike healthy cells, cancer cells also cannot utilize fat as a fuel source, only blood sugar. In other words, they are not “metabolically flexible”. A person who has chosen a higher carb, processed foods, and/or sugary foods diet  may feel an energy slump when switching to a lower carb (not no carb but those chosen should come from root vegetables, beans/legumes, nuts, limited fruit (not their juice which has no fiber to control the blood sugar spike). Still, doing so is a huge help. The 10 food listed below can help one stop cancer growth because they directly affect the feeding of cancer and the ability of the body to remove toxic compounds.
image of healthy whole foods including healthy meats, fish, and vegetables

1. Broccoli: This cruciferous vegetable contains compounds called glucosinolates, which produces protective enzymes in the body. One of the million enzymes present in the broccoli is sulforaphane which helps reduce the risk of cancer by flushing out cancer-causing chemicals. Sulforaphane also targets cancer stem cells in the tumor that aid in tumor growth and spread. Steamed, raw with a dip (try hummus or Non-dairy Ranch dip or Romesco and/or Tzatziki dips Green Tea: Among the many powerful compounds present in green tea are catechins, epicatechin, etc. These compounds help by preventing the development of cancer cells and by preventing free radicals from damaging healthy cells. Go for 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily. (PS. Green tea also helps rebalance the gut microbiome which helps convert the inactive T4 made by the thyroid to the active T3–the liver does this as well).

3. Tomatoes: Lycopene found in the tomato skin is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight cancer with its antioxidant properties, by boosting the immune system and protecting healthy cells from free radical damage being a whole foods source of the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E. Note: many oncologists frown on the use of supplements because they have not distinguished between synthetic, cheap, supplements and the higher quality, more active, whole foods version. Both cooked and raw help, just leave the skin on. In this combination of cabbage (cruciferous) and tomatoes along with a grass fed meat we get a simple and one-pot meal that is delicious: George’s Unstuffed Cabbage Soup

4. Blueberries: Rich in cancer-fighting phytonutrients and antioxidants that neutralize the free radicals that can cause damage to healthy cells and cause many diseases including cancer. Blueberries are also enriched in vitamins C and K, manganese and dietary fibers, which can help in lowering cancer risk. See the breakfast suggestions under Pomegranite, below, and/or check out this Ginger Berry Anti-inflammatory Energy Blast where blueberries and pomegranites make a great combination.

5. Ginger: 2-3 cups of ginger tea privides antioxidants that inhibit the growth of cancerous cells. Ginger also settles stomachs and aids in digestion. Use unpeeled and sliced, in your Fresh Ginger Tea

Bonus beverage: Another food high in anti-oxidants and digestive health compounds is fresh Turmeric. Powdered into a spice it loses some of its benefits but is still helpful. Try this delicious Turmeric latte: soothing and comforting on a cold winter day:

6. Garlic: Among the many helpful nutrients are sulfur, arginine, and selenium that aid in energy production by healthy cells, boost the immune system, and reduce the body’s toxic load. cook with it or add it raw to salad dressings like this Lemon Garlic Vinaigrette dressing .

7. Spinach: Known for its component lutein, an antioxidant that plays a key role in guarding against cancer. Also, the carotenoids in spinach protect your body from free radical damage: The beta-carotene, vitamin A, folate and fiber in spinach also play vital roles in both prevention and spread. It is best to include high vitamin C with spinach to improve non-meat iron and mineral absorption: Skip the oranges that are crossbread (hybridized) to be high in the Standard American Diet’s (SAD) thirst for sugar but not the best source of C unless you are crossing the Atlantic for months on a ship without refrigeration–where the idea of oranges and C originated because oranges have a longer shelf life. Instead Combine with skin-on tomatoes and/or blueberries for desert for a 1-2 cancer punch. Other sources of C include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, kiwii and cauliflower. Note 1: Like broccoli, cauliflower and Brussel’s sprouts are also cruciferous vegetables and have the same benefits. Note: avoid using spinach if you have an oxalate-restricted diet plan. Check out the Garlic and Lemon Vinaigrette salad dressing .
8. Pomegranate: Containing a very good amount of antioxidants. This juicy fruit has a mixture of phenols, flavonoids which help in modulating cellular biochemistry. Polyphenols, in particular, help keep check on the various biological events involved in cancer pathogenesis and progression.
Add this fruit to your morning smoothie, fruit salad, toss into any salad, breakfast… or drinks its juices. Try some of these: Creamy Buckwheat Breakfast, over almond or buckwheat pancakes “un-Oatmeal” or anything that looks good at:–and don’t forget, you can mix pomegranate with blueberries 😄9. Walnuts and/or Brazil nuts: Walnuts contain a good amount of polyphenols and phytochemicals and have antioxidants properties. They are also rich in anti-cancer compounds, such as ellagitannins and alpha-linolenic acid. Just a few nuts per day help you fight cancer. You can also add walnut to salads, soups or smoothies. Brazil nuts have all of the above plus a great source selenium needed for energy production and thyroid hormone production in healthy cells. Toss them on salads or eat as snacks.
10. Grapes and their seeds are rich in the antioxidants reseveratrol that offers anti-cancer benefits. Resveratrol blocks the action of a protein that causes cancer growth. In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of grapes prevent chronic oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Another great snack.

Get this free download on beating cancer—contains a gazillion scientific references—feel free to pass this along.

I love to help my clients address their own situation and/or pass along to help their friends and loved ones:
There is hope and I can be part of the help team 🤗

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