Help digestion with probiotic foods

Why probiotics? (And what are they anyway?)

Yay — let’s play with our food 😊

Some of you will have heard of probiotics, others maybe not. By the time you’ve scrolled to the bottom you will know:

  1. what are probiotics, really
  2. why they are vital to a healing program
  3. what they don’t do (even if you’ve heard this myth)
  4. why you might not want to just take any old supplement and instead choose cultured foods

Before we get into the world of probiotics and cultured foods, one MYTH I need to bust—the super common myth that too many people have heard—is that probiotics can re-inoculate your digestive tract. This isn’t true.

Ready? Here we go:

Marie's parking lot theory 😊

It’s simple: Just like during the holidays at the mall… if all the parking spaces are full, there is no more room to park. You may or may not like the car model, but adding new “cars” to an overfull parking lot isn’t possible.

If the parking spots in your digestive tract are full of unwanted ‘critters’, even the best and most potent probiotics have no place to park.

The strategy that works is to “encourage” the unwanted critters to move on—make it unpleasant for them to stay—while encouraging more of the ones you want to expand, have children, be happy… Your population of beneficial bacteria will increase and take over vacated areas as the pathogens die off.

What probiotics can do?

That doesn’t mean probiotics are not beneficial, they are tremendously beneficial—as long as you take the right strain, or eat the right food, for the job—they can:

  • help you digest food and release nutrients
  • help destroy pathogens
  • help create regularity
  • help eliminate toxicity
  • calm an inflamed gut
  • and there is a whole emerging knowledge about how specific strains can improve moods and more


before you jump on the bandwagon of buying supplements or even yogurt, know this:

Probiotics are strain specific

What does that mean? We have different breeds of dogs, and so do probiotics. Some people like great danes, others poodles. If you are trying to get a clinical benefit from probiotics, please understand that the Lactobacillus acidophilus in your yogurt may not be the right “breed” for the results you want—no matter whether there are 50 billion live in the capsule. This is where clinical knowledge and using Nutrition Response Testing to understand your body and its unique needs makes a big difference.

Make cultured foods at home

Yuck, bacteria,don’t we have to refrigerate evrything immediately?


It’s really fun to play with our food. Try these ideas:

Judy & Bob's Garlicy cultured kraut

Make this amazing kraut. A top winner in my “Fremetapalooza” and Oh so simple. 

Don’t forget to drink the juice; it is extremely therapeutic.

The recipe is here:

My favorite probiotic salsa

Della taught me this recipe. We have an amazing community of really talented people.

Check out the simple recipe and forever have salsa that is Hot, or Not, and is amazing!

Easy Homemade Probiotic Salsa

Home-made probiotic salsa

Dilly Beans: Top salad additions

http://ournutritionkitchen.comAnother classic. Use Dilly Beans as a garnish on salads, on top of summer burgers. These are my garden beans  about a year… amazing how a brine will create such healthy foods that do so much for us. Explore more wonderful recipes ideas at

My healthy recipe website is FREE to the world and my labor of love. Be the best you can be.

Play with your food!

Whole foods can help more than you can imagine. This is just the beginning…