Do we really want to achieve the lowest blood pressure or cholesterol possible?

The BIGGEST question we want to ask when our labs, exam results, etc. etc. come back “out of range” or “concerning is… WHY WOULD THE BODY THINK THIS IS GOOD?

Care for your heartThink about it. You are designed to survive.

These are the main reasons blood pressure goes too high:

  1. We’re not getting enough supportive nutrients (especially calmative B vitamins, magnesium and potassium); or too much of others (especially inappropriate calcium or synthetic B vitamins);
  2. We’ve caused too much stress (wrong food, chronic inflammation, toxic chemicals and metals – and need to address those);
  3. We’re using medications or herbs to force processes that should not be forced;
  4. Another organ or several is dysfunctional (often thyroid, adrenal glands, kidneys, liver…) or a chronically inflamed gut is irritating the body.

there are more… but how could the body think this is helpful? Because why else would it occur? Granted, whatever process is happening, if it continues for long any usefulness is lost.

And… lower is not really better (but you will be told this).

When it comes to blood pressure, seniors who fall hurt themselves spend on average 619 days (2 years) in nursing homes AND this is directly due to AGGRESSIVE blood pressure medications. Two separate studies:

730 seniors who fell were on blood pressure reducing drugs. Their systolic BP reading (the TOP number) was between 80 and 100. Crazy! These people fell (because low BP creates dizziness) yet only one-third of their physicians lowered their drug dose.

In a second study, 1528 seniors who fell had BP readings between 101 and 120 (considered low for seniors). Yet under twentyfive percent of their physicians lowered their BP medication dose.

Injurious falls among our elderly are considered a catastrophic event!

Why do physicians refuse to lower blood pressure medications even when you take control and make simple changes


Big Pharma owns Big Medicine. Even though you do not want the side effects of erectile dysfunction, slowed libido, low energy, tired muscles…  the medical guidelines (that all physicians must follow or be sued for malpractice) dictate that they have to prescribe blood pressure drugs.

What to do to lower your blood pressure?

You have no choice. You must bring your blood pressure to normal levels on your own. This sounds strong but your doctor is taught that doing so is impossible. They are taught that patients refuse to make diet and lifestyle changes. You decide.

Most people can control their blood pressure with just a few changes:

  1. Eat clean—inflammatory foods are one reason you have this problem inflammation raises blood pressure;
  2. Exercise—oxygenate your cells so they can create energy. Visualize this;
  3. Drink plenty of clean, pure, water—flush toxicity from your system;
  4. Switch from iodized table salt to Celtic sea salt—iodine pushes up blood pressure;
  5. Lear breathing techniques for stress—this is remarkable. While you are handling the physical imbalances causing high blood pressure, use a 4-4-6-2 breathing techinique:
    • Get comfortable lying, sitting and inhale through your nose to a slow count of 4
    • Inhale into your stomach first, then your lower lungs, then your upper lungs
    • Hold your breath for 4 counts
    • Slowly release your breath through your nose for 6 counts
    • Hold your breath completely exhaled for 2 count.
  6. Repeat 10 times twice daily.

There are so many wonderful ways to rebalance. We are intended to live well.

As soon as you take steps to manage your blood pressure, you must discuss “deprescribing” with your medical doctor. He or she is also taught this is impossible. YOU must take charge.

Like most medications you cannot just stop taking BP lowering drugs; you have to lower them slowly. Two reasons:

  1. because they store in your body for some time, and
  2. your body has gotten used to the effects they create.

And… you and I need to support your heart, kidney and liver with appropriate B vitamins, organic minerals, and other support as needed.

High blood pressure, low energy, this is all a sign of stress. Let’s rebalance. There is hope and I can help.

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