Do you experience allergies? Tired of allergy medications that don't fix the problem?
- You react to foods (or not sure)? You limit your diet (and nourishment)?
- You are sensitive to things in your environment?
- You get sick a lot or your symptoms don’t respond, or only respond temporarily?
- You might even have trouble with quality nutritional supplements?
If you have allergies, the alternative to drugs and the impracticalities of avoidance is…
AACT, Accelerated Allergy Clearing Technique®
Allergies are versatile. They can show up just about anywhere in your body and create an incredible variety of symptoms. They can affect your nose, eyes, throat, lungs, stomach, skin and nervous system. They can give you a bellyache, a rash and even bring on fatigue and headache.
Rising dramatically during the last decades, allergic diseases represent a major health problem. Experts believe allergies might affect at least one third of us and have become the 6th leading cause of chronic disease in America.
How do I know it’s allergies and not a cold?
You may think you have a cold, when in fact you have an allergy. The symptoms can be similar because in both situations your body thinks something foreign is invading it. When you really have a viral or bacterial infection, your immune system mounts an attack. You feel sleepy, achy, itchy eyes, sniffles… When you have an allergy, your body mistakes harmless substances—pollen or food—for harmful ones and attacks. You feel runny nose, red itchy eyes, achy… Even most doctors have a hard time telling these apart.
Prescribing antibiotics when the problem isn’t a bacterial infection harms your digestive tract and imbalances your body—and a harmed digestive tract can lead to further allergies.
It is vital to find the exact cause of your symptoms and fix that underlying cause.
Meanwhile, you can get relief so you don’t have to avoid the modern world. (Experts suggest we lose $250 million annually from absenteeism and reduced productivity caused by allergies.)

Allergies are especially on the rise with children
Children suffering from food allergies are common and increasing at an alarming rate although we do not understand exactly why. Reports suggest 1 in 20 children have food allergies.
Experts suggest the rise in food allergies has to do with either the increased toxic chemicals in our world, processed foods, or both.
Meanwhile, for parents of food-allergic or hyper-allergic children, special events and parties become filled with worry over a very serious allergic reaction.
Many of my young clients have had allergy tests come back with dozens of positive results! Avoidance becomes impractical.
Can allergies cause real illness? Serious illness?
Your body can respond in an infinite variety of ways to things it believes are harmful.
Just about any health condition can be a symptom of underlying allergies. Allergy tests are imprecise at best and need to be interpreted against a complete health history, logging symptoms against daily food and exposures…
In their book An Alternative Approach to Allergies, Theron G. Randolph, MD, and Ralph W. Moss, PhD, describe the broad spectrum of serious and debilitating symptoms brought on by allergies including “mental confusion, slowness of thought, lack of initiative and ambition, irritability, occasional loss of sex drive, despondency, body fatigue, weakness and aching”.
Over decades of meticulous testing with patients in Chicago, eliminating allergens and adding them back one at a time, Dr. Randolph demonstrated and documented the allergic basis of the Manic-Depressive cycle. He went before Congress to request adequate food labels so parents and individuals could make informed choices rather than take mood-altering drugs or undergo electroshock therapy when in fact the cause was a chemical or food sensitivity or an allergic reaction.

Allergies can explain ADHD and other learning problems:
Most parents don’t realize that hyperactivity, distractibility and aggressive behavior can be triggered by food intolerances. In her book, Is This Your Child? Dr. Doris Rapp documented that 67% of children given a diagnosis of ADHD were actually reacting to unrecognized food and environmental allergies or sensitivities.
Allergies can explain many symptoms:
Digestive System
Symptoms including acid reflux, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, abdominal and intestinal pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea and vomiting, primarily caused by food allergens or other ingestants.
Respiratory System
Symptoms including hayfever, wheezing, asthma, skin conditions, rashes and itchy, watery eyes, primarily caused by allergies/sensitivities to pollens, dust, food, chemicals, animals, and other air-borne substances.
Symptoms including eczema, skin rashes, hives, blisters and atopic dermatitis, are primarily caused by allergies/sensitivities to food but can also be caused by plants and chemical allergies.
Headaches and Migraines
These symptoms are commonly caused by allergies/sensitivities to food such as chocolate, caffeine, airborne irritants such as pollens and chemicals including household cleaners, perfumes and vehicle fumes.
Tiredness and Fatigue
Many allergic reactions result in lethargy and feelings of fatigue.
Multiple Systems
Allergies/sensitivities affect multiple systems in the body, resulting in headaches, irritability, hyperactivity, mood swings, fatigue, tachycardia, or inflammation.
- Chemicals – household cleaners, perfumes, building materials, washing detergent, pesticides
- Occupational Allergies such as latex or building materials
- Animals
- Even heat, cold, humidity and dampness
Treat the Causes, Not the Symptoms
My pet cat (peanuts, the local tree, grass…), they aren’t really bad for me!
Exactly! Why do bodies switch from a protective immune system to one on overdrive and reacting to everything?
Any number of reasons, commonly:
- chronic yeast infections or eating “anti-foods” that promote a “leaky gut” and the absorption of incompletely digested food and toxic substances;
- altered bowel flora from overuse of antibiotics;
- a build-up of toxic chemicals, medications and/or metals in the body;
- or when the liver doesn’t properly eliminate these toxics and/or histamines;
- magnesium and other nutrient deficiencies (which can cause any and all of the above).
What are allergies, really?

Conventional ideas:
The technical term “allergy” originated over one hundred years ago—doctors then used it to describe any abnormal body reaction to any material.
Today, mainstream medicine gives allergies a considerably narrower meaning: an allergy is when the immune system forms antibodies (proteins manufactured by the body that help it recognize and destroy foreign substances) to substances it believes are foreign (gluten, for example, or pollen, or dairy, eggs, peanuts…).
The first time (or first few times) antibodies attach themselves to the foreign substance (bacteria, virus, food, pollen…) special immune cells are activated that now make IgE antibodies to “help” your body recognize only that offending substance. The IgE antibodies do this by incorprating into and-yet-another special immune cell (called a MAST cell). These “activated” immune cells are everywhere in the body but especially in places where foreign invaders can enter: your skin, the linings of your lungs and airway, the lining of your nose, your eye, inside your mouth, and all along your digestive tract.
If you are exposed again, the antibodies on the MAST cells bind the allergen which causes the MAST cell to release chemicals including histamine. The purpose of those chemicals is to “kill the invader”. But, these chemicals irritate us and cause our symptoms: more mucous, runny nose, sneezing, itchy red eyes…
Too many of us grab antihistamines like Benadryl™ or Claritin™. The problem with that is histamine is vital for health. Histamines help regulate gastric secretions, blood pressure, and is even involved in mood and energy. Too much or too little natural histamine is not healthful. Anti-histamines cause drowsiness and have other undesirable effects.
It gets complicated…
After many exposures your body can make a different type of antibody (IgG, IgA…) it can stop making IgE, and some allergies don’t involve antibodies at all. This is why there are so many different types of allergy tests and some may not find your particular allergy even though you know you react to a food, or plant, or…
What are allergies, really?
The original Webster’s Dictionary definition of “allergy” is better: “a condition of unusual sensitivity to a substance or substances which, in like amounts, do not affect others.” This includes the antibody-responses I just described and also encompasses other reactions or intolerance. I feel this opens the door to more accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Reactions can occur against things that truly are not that good for us; bee stings, mold, dust mites, drugs, perfume, food preservatives… but allergies can also occur in a misdirected way to things that are not harmful to the majority of people; animal dander, eggs, peanuts, the family pet, pollen…
Remember, when your body’s immune, digestive, or nervous system reacts to a substance in your environment and gives you an allergic reaction, it is not the substance that causes the allergic reactions; it is the body’s reaction to it.
But, my expensive allergy tests all came back negative?
I understand! The possibilities are endless but here are three common reasons:
- None of those tests can test for everything that could possibly cause your symptoms;
- Those tests can detect only a certain type of antibody and, your body may have made a different type (there are a number of different types); and
- You are sensitive to these substances in a way that does not involve antibodies.
There are many ways that your body can recognized a substance as being a threat to its well-being—and there are just as many responses. One of those responses is to produce antibodies.
How can I get rid of my allergies?
Emerging research suggests that altered nerve transmission occurs before the body produces antibodies. In fact, some brilliant work at UCLA has measured changed brain waves when a person is exposed to an allergic substance. Contact with a harmful substance alters the normal flow of energy through the body’s electrical circuits, the nervous system, interfering with communication between the brain and body. This is the first step in a chain of events which can develop into a recurring allergy.
That same research shows that the brain waves go back to normal when the person is desensitized to the energy resonance of that substance, even if they are re-exposed to it.
What is AACT? How does it work?
Accelerated Allergy Clearing Technique (AACT) tests the nervous system, not the antibody or skin prick response.
This natural, painless, noninvasive, drug-free allergy treatment can be used safely on people of all ages and levels of health. It can be used on pets, children, the elderly, anyone.
With this technique you are desensitized, in a specific order, to substances that cause your body to react. In, one session a person can have several to dozen substances fully addressed.
How long will it take before I don’t have allergic reactions?
Results can be very fast.
For best results, it’s best to desensitize your body to all those things the immune system has labeled harmful, i.e., all the substances to which your body reacts negatively. With AACT, I clear allergens in an exact sequence while respecting how many allergens the body can successfully address at one time. AACT sessions can be scheduled same-day, daily, weekly and according to your schedule.
If you are a candidate for AACT, a complete treatment plan may take anywhere from 10 to 40 visits, depending on how severe. We can predict how many visits after your first session.
How long does “allergy clearing” last?
My clients find desensitization is lasting, perhaps even for the rest of their life.
According to a study published in 2001 in Alternative Medicine Review, 87.2% of the study’s 90 participants rated the efficacy of the technique as “good to excellent,” desensitization lasted beyond three years—the length of time these participants were followed.
That said, we still have to heal why your body became hyper-allergic in the first place.
A part of an initial work-up, I always do a Nutrition Response Testing® exam. It is vital to find out what organs and systems have been affected, or may even be the cause of your allergies. For example:
- Food intolerances usually follow “leaky gut”. Your digestive tract needs support to heal properly.
- Because your digestive tract has been leaky and unhealthy for so long, you likely also need help healing from yeast, acidic bacteria, or even parasites and restoring balance to your microbiome.
- If you’ve been avoiding certain foods, your body has been long-deprived of nutrients at the levels it needs for proper function.
- Other key organs and your immune system are out of balance and must be restored.
Some people are so sensitive to foods that they must be desensitized fully before they can even start a restorative nutrition program. Others can combine allergy clearing with nutritional support. And for some, you may have only a few things that need to be desensitized that let you enjoy spring again, or your favorite pet. We are all different.
In all cases, Designed Clinical Nutrition is the best choice to restore organs and systems that have been negatively impacted by allergies.
Isn’t it great to know that there is a practical, drug-free allergy treatment and solution to food & chemical intolerance?
If you have allergy problems or intolerances of any kind, I think nothing can help you more than Accelerated Allergy Clearing Technique (AACT) to calm down your allergic response while we find and fix the true cause.